Concentrated Mineral Drop is supportive in more than 100 diseases. CMD is the most powerful, health-giving trace mineral formulated by nature for greater bio-electric health and body mineral balancing. You cannot benefit from minerals unless you can absorb them.This product has been used by several customer in India as well as in USA, Australia,New Zealand and Eastern Europe. We get 99 % result of this product. The absorption of minerals primarily takes place within small intestines. As food matter passes through intestines, minerals transfer into the blood stream through the intestines. This can only happen if minerals are ionically charged. The GSL CMD contains ionically charges minerals. Due to mineral depletion in the soil numerous trace minerals so essential to human life aren’t replenished. Combating the growing problem of minerals deficiency and imbalance in our modern society. CMD contains more than 82 minerals which are highly required to perform more than 300 biochemical reaction in the body for routine activities. Minerals are the elements that comprise the entire universe, this earth & everything on it, including you. This product is water soluble means easy to assimilate, most concentrated, easy to use, cost effective, balances body fluid, natural and one can use with confidence as comes with 100% money back guarantee. CMD contains up to 84 ionic trace minerals completely in concentrated form. This is 100% natural health product with no added ingredients.It contains purest form of Minerals which are required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Features of this wonderful Product: Human body is an intricate circuit board of electric charges and impulses. In order to stay balanced and perform at optimum efficiency, one needs to constantly replenish with the minerals and trace elements found in CMD. It is treasured for its ability to promote health and vitality, also treat numerous diseases, combat the ageing process and fight against infections.